Its So Easy To Be A Bitch
My husband and I lead very different lives. He is up at 4am every morning, dragging himself off to go put in long and grueling white-collar hours at his downtown finance firm. I...well you all know me... I am lucky to be up before 10am these days and half the time I don't even leave the house since I work from home. My mornings consist of a Yorkie & Porkie walk, yoga, breakfast and the time-suck aka the computer. Before I know it 3pm is fast approaching and honey dear is almost on his way home. Of course I have accomplished only a fraction of what needs to be done, but I quickly throw myself together in high gear, attempting to give my husband the illusion of a productive wife who can get her fanny to the post office before 5pm! Sure I keep pressing myself for more organization, more accomplishments, sticking to a schedule or routine that has me primped and prettied up every day just to sit around the house looking fabulous for no reason, like some soap opera star. I have yet to master that art...
But I am in the middle of trying to manage the merging of two illnesses, strokes and Fibromyalgia, and am working quite hard to obtain balance and productivity with my day. I am also in pain and tired and overwhelmed with all the details of The Crusade we are waging against Fibromyalgia ignorance. Such a combination can make this girl over here quite bitchy! I have a very controlled little environment I exist in 5 days a week and when my schedule gets thrown off it impacts my health. Not exercising, eating bad, all those other choices tired and stressed people make have an adverse affect on our health. So when my husband started his "stay-cation" I felt myself getting bent out of shape at the disruptions to my routine.
I had to sit down and have a serious talk with myself, for the attitude I present this next week will make or break this week off of work for my husband. It can either be a restful and rejuvenating sojourn from routine or a miserable and draining experience for him. After much deliberation and consideration of action vs. consequence I went with the "can't beat 'em, join 'em" school of thought. I declared myself on semi-"stay-cation" too! I released my expectations of going to bed early, walking and stretching every day, eating healthy self-cooked meals at home and obsessing over all those things that I usually demand from myself. I decided to take a big swig of "LET IT GO" and just enjoy the precious time with my husband. Guess what? We are on day 2 and having a blast! I feel like we are kids playing house, am reminded of the fun we had together way way back in college when life was carefree and simple. Yes, my body hurts, I am not getting the exercise I am used to and the house is messy, but I can get to all that next week. This week I am busy doing something I rarely get to do, enjoying spending luxurious amounts of time with my best friend, my husband.
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