I Am Taking My Life Back

Today finds me on the other side of my post-holiday, post-sick flare and I am amazed at how much has gotten away from me! I have been indulging Fibromyalgia, buying my own excuses that keep me unproductive and lazy. Making mental agreements with myself that justify this behavior. Whining and complaining in my head that I hurt so therefore I could not possibly be expected to keep up a routine.  Bargaining with myself to excuse my lackadaisical drive and refusal to exercise discipline in doing all the things that are required to make my life successful. Today it all came swirling down around me and I have jumped on top of it and am screaming ENOUGH! Enough with the excuses, the mental crutch I have allowed my physical well being to become. Enough handing over my life, my dreams, my goals and aspirations. Yeah I may still hurt and feel like crap a fair amount of the time but I don't care...I am taking my life back!

I am inherently rebellious and a night owl. These two factors are creating quite a conflict with the smooth, successful and on the ball image my mind wants me to become. I stay up late, sleep in late, have not been doing yoga and because of that it now hurts too much to walk the dogs. I am back to relying on pills to manage my pain instead of my lifestyle. I am a big fleshy ball of flab and jiggle yet still stuffing my face like I am entitled, all because I don't feel well. I am spiraling down the rabbit hole of regression and indulgence. I have been here before and have no desire to go back. So in order to not fall any deeper I am sticking out my arms and legs, catching them on the sides of this hole I am being sucked down, and halting this before I slide any deeper. I am stronger than Fibromyalgia, I am stronger than pain! I am on the cusp of having a very successful and productive life where I make a difference in the world and am not going to allow excuses, bad habits or whoa is me to halt it any longer. I have been sitting here for the last few weeks feeling disorganized, unproductive and lost. Not knowing where to go next, how to proceed. 

Well I am laying that down right now and re-claiming the goodness my life is meant to become! But without my participation, my commitment and hard work, it is never going to happen. So instead of buying my own reasoning that worms me out of the routine I need to be productive, I am setting certain parameters for my day that are non-negotiable. A collective list of actions that I need to achieve in order to run my life, be a good wife and puppy-mommy and march this Crusade into existence. I know what they are, I know what is required of me, and I am up for the challenge. It is just going to take a lot more self-discipline than I have been displaying these last few weeks! Finding the balance of motivation and self-forgiveness is a never-ending journey, especially for the chronically ill. The middle ground of compassion and discipline that fosters health and healing with progress and productivity is where I have set my sights. I am not ignoring Fibromyalgia, but I am not going to indulge her either. For Fibromyalgia is something I have, it is not who I am.

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