Forget The To Do List, It's All About The Done List!

I am a miserable victim of "To Do" lists. I write down EVERYTHING that needs to be done and then freak out at the sheer gravity of it all, knowing hours of endless work lie ahead of me. With no idea of how to get the energy harnessed I frenzy myself into crazy mode, forcing myself to get a grip and take that figurative "relax" pill. When something approaches a deadline I do get it done and am able to function through life this way, just not very cheerfully or peacefully. Well yesterday I had enough. Thoughts, obligations, ideas, necessary transactions, appointments and responsibilities were swirling around my head and I yelled STOP! Stop with the endless amount of obsessing and dissatisfaction I put on myself. Let it go...

Clothes are always going to need washing, toilets are always going to need cleaning, dinner is always going to need cooking and calling the insurance guy about the mix-up in billing is something that should be taken care of immediately. So in the interest of truly flipping my thinking I took a moment at the end of the day yesterday and wrote down what I did accomplish. I did not compare and contrast this with my "to do" list, just paid attention that amidst the madness of my life, where I constantly feel like a hamster spinning around on a wheel to nowhere, I took a moment and looked at the positive. I had gotten more than a few things done, more than it felt like. So I think I am gonna try this out for a while. That big ugly master to-do list is hidden in the back of a drawer and I am marking down each day what I DID accomplish, not what I did not.

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