Find Your Way Back To Health

As the readership of this blog grows and the Fibro-Fun House (my Facebook page) expands I am getting another round of fellow Fibrates asking me, "How did you get better?". For some reason lots of you have been turned on to my strange brand of what I call Keepin' It Real Optimism, and for this I am so grateful! I am glad to share my journey and learn from you. I am thrilled to see you networking with each other and forming friendships and support amongst yourselves as well. There are so many of us with bloody and bruised heads from banging them up against the wall of living with Fibromyalgia, and I think more than a few have found a place to come where they can stop beating themselves up and relish in the fact that there are SO many others in the same situation. If I had a nickle for every time I have seen "I don't feel so alone now" I would be a wealthy woman! By the nature of this illness and how it fits into the world of modern medicine we have been made to feel very isolated. I believe here we have found a community where not only are we believed and accepted, WE DON'T EVEN HAVE TO EXPLAIN OURSELVES! Its phenomenal! To find a group that truly understands the trials and tribulations of living in Fibro-hell is simply a relief. Strong support is key in reclaiming your life and we get it where we can find it...and if Facebook is where we have found it than so be it!

Oh what a delicate symmetry health is! I have spent years learning about my own body, what works, what does not, what matters and what makes a difference. I have uncovered what CFS & Fibromyalgia really and truly are IN ME and have extensively researched and read and formed my own opinions and conclusions about health and wellness in general. Unfortunately I feel we are being sold a bill of goods by modern medicine. Not maliciously, and don't get me wrong, without it I would be dead at least 5 times (no exaggeration) by now, but when it comes to day-in-day-out quality of life they are really missing the boat! I argue with my best friend about this constantly. She is a very healthy person and goes to the doctor a few times a year and has never had a problem with her health. So when I go off on my rants about the necessity of a small amount of unprotected sun exposure daily necessary for Vitamin D absorption to prevent diseases, how this "5 small meals a day" crap is a way of compensating for the horribly processed and preservative filled diets we consume or she watches me take my buckets of supplements when we go out to dinner, we tend to not agree!

But if you want to know how I "got better" (I actually call it "managed", better means it is over and Fibromyalgia for Leah is far from over) I set out on a quest to find health and have not stopped. I tried endless medications and took every nutritional supplement under the sun. I saw specialists to treat the infections in my body that had infected my central nervous system. I sought out alternative therapies like acupuncture and gave up my career and worked very hard, and still continue to, in order to keep life's balance. I watch my diet and exercise and manage my stress and get lots of sleep each night. I got "managed" because I refused to have it any other way. But it has flipped my reality on its head. What worked for me is most likely not what will work for you, we are all different. There is no magic pill that is going to take this away. But with determination and perseverance and persistence you can find a way to start climbing out of that well of misery and pain that threatens to engulf you day in and day out. But only if you insist on it.

Thanks for joining,


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